Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.

香頓立體菱形格休閒毯 - 深灰/米白

30%氂牛絨 70%Pima棉


$350.00 USD

Shoton 鑽石圖案休閒毯採用優質犛牛棉混紡製成,確保奢華柔軟的肌膚觸感。讓自己沉浸在極致的舒適感中,享受無與倫比的舒適體驗。



• 多功能且實用:Shoton 鑽石圖案休閒毯不僅是時尚配件,也是實用配件。它在寒冷的夜晚提供溫暖和舒適,非常適合依偎在沙發上或為您的床上用品增添一層額外的舒適感。此外,它還可以用作裝飾元素,為您的生活空間增添質感和視覺趣味。

