Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.
Add warmth and texture to your home with the Himalayan Textures Knitted (Alpine) collection. Featuring luxurious yak wool, this cozy throw and pillow set is perfect for any space. Available individually or as a set. Stylish, soft, and ideal for winter comfort.

喜馬拉雅觸感編織家居系列 - 米白

5%氂牛絨 20%羊毛 35%尼龍 40%壓克力纖維

體驗喜馬拉雅紋理針織家居系列的溫馨舒適。 這款針織枕頭和休閒毯組可為任何空間增添一絲溫暖和時尚氣息。 精心製作,柔軟奢華的質感邀您放鬆身心。 用這個永恆且多功能的系列提升您的家居裝飾。

$104.00 USD

商品組合: 休閒毯

• 奢華舒適:

喜馬拉雅紋理針織家居、枕頭和休閒毯採用優質材料製成,提供奢華舒適的體驗。 其針織質地帶來柔軟溫暖的感覺,非常適合在寒冷的夜晚依偎在一起。

• 多功能家居裝飾:

該產品不僅僅是一件休閒毯;它還是一款休閒毯。 它是一款多功能家居裝飾品,可用作枕頭或休閒毯,以增強任​​何房間的美感。 無論您想為客廳增添一絲優雅,還是為臥室營造舒適的氛圍,這款針織產品都是完美的配件。

• 時尚獨特的設計:

喜馬拉雅紋理針織家居、枕頭和休閒毯功能時尚而獨特的設計靈感來自阿爾卑斯地區的美景。 其複雜的針織圖案和微妙的調色為任何空間增添了一絲精緻,使其成為一件會給您的客人留下深刻印象的個性單品。 用這款引人注目的配件提升您的家居裝飾。


休閒毯: 160cm x 110cm 616g
枕頭: 48cm x 48cm 163g