Stay warm and stylish with the Men's Shambala Half High Collar Yak Wool Pullover. Crafted from luxurious yak wool, this pullover offers exceptional softness, warmth, and a modern high collar design perfect for cooler weather.
Stay warm and stylish with the Men's Shambala Half High Collar Yak Wool Pullover. Crafted from luxurious yak wool, this pullover offers exceptional softness, warmth, and a modern high collar design perfect for cooler weather.
Stay warm and stylish with the Men's Shambala Half High Collar Yak Wool Pullover. Crafted from luxurious yak wool, this pullover offers exceptional softness, warmth, and a modern high collar design perfect for cooler weather.
Stay warm and stylish with the Men's Shambala Half High Collar Yak Wool Pullover. Crafted from luxurious yak wool, this pullover offers exceptional softness, warmth, and a modern high collar design perfect for cooler weather.
Stay warm and stylish with the Men's Shambala Half High Collar Yak Wool Pullover. Crafted from luxurious yak wool, this pullover offers exceptional softness, warmth, and a modern high collar design perfect for cooler weather.

男士 Shambala 半高领牦牛毛套头衫

男士 Shambala 半高领牦牛毛套头衫 男士 Shambala 半高领牦牛毛套头衫是我们独家“Xiujia”系列的一部分,提升您的冬季风格。这款套头衫采用 100% 牦牛绒制成,完美融合了温暖、舒适和时尚。 产品详情: 款式: AM-SW-SH_DK(深海军蓝) 材质: 100% 牦牛绒 可选尺寸: M (170/100A)、L (175/104A)、XL (180/108A)、XXL (185/112A) 颜色:深海军蓝 (DK) 厚度:厚 弹力:微弹 主要特征: 菱形提花设计:这款套头衫展示了复杂的菱形提花图案,营造出细节丰富的纹理三维外观。 半高领:半高领的双层设计既保暖又时尚。它保持其形状并且易于穿脱。 吉祥结图案:素色提花图案,带有吉祥结图案,象征着吉祥如意、幸福美满。 优质牦牛绒:这款套头衫采用 100% 牦牛绒制成,质地柔软、蜡质,温暖舒适。 舒适版型:这款套头衫略显宽松,具有很大的耐受性,确保舒适轻松的外观。它用途广泛,可单独穿着或作为内层穿着。 撞色强调:品牌经典的提花元素以及领口和下摆的撞色设计营造出视觉上的修身效果。 材料详情: 100% 牦牛绒:套头衫由 100% 牦牛绒制成,确保卓越的柔软度和保暖性。 菱形提花图案:复杂的菱形提花图案为设计增添了深度和特色。 半高领:半高领的双层设计提供额外的温暖并保持其形状。 略微宽松版型:套头衫宽松版型,舒适且多功能,适合各种场合。 尺码表: M:衣长 64 厘米,胸围 102 厘米,肩宽 40 厘米,袖长 58 厘米 L:衣长 66 厘米,胸围 106 厘米,肩宽 41 厘米,袖长 60 厘米 XL:衣长 68 厘米,胸围 110 厘米,肩宽 42 厘米,袖长 62 厘米 XXL:衣长...

¥1,672.00 CNY

颜色: 黄昏


尺寸: M
