Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Men's Grassland Quilted Yak Wool Vest. Made from premium yak wool, this quilted vest offers superior warmth and style for cold weather. Available in multiple sizes. Perfect for layering or as an outer piece for versatile, cozy styling.
Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Men's Grassland Quilted Yak Wool Vest. Made from premium yak wool, this quilted vest offers superior warmth and style for cold weather. Available in multiple sizes. Perfect for layering or as an outer piece for versatile, cozy styling.
Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Men's Grassland Quilted Yak Wool Vest. Made from premium yak wool, this quilted vest offers superior warmth and style for cold weather. Available in multiple sizes. Perfect for layering or as an outer piece for versatile, cozy styling.
Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Men's Grassland Quilted Yak Wool Vest. Made from premium yak wool, this quilted vest offers superior warmth and style for cold weather. Available in multiple sizes. Perfect for layering or as an outer piece for versatile, cozy styling.
Elevate your winter wardrobe with the Men's Grassland Quilted Yak Wool Vest. Made from premium yak wool, this quilted vest offers superior warmth and style for cold weather. Available in multiple sizes. Perfect for layering or as an outer piece for versatile, cozy styling.


男士草原绗缝牦牛毛背心 男士草原绗缝牦牛毛背心是我们“Prairie”系列的一部分,可提升您的冬季衣橱。这款背心采用经典的宽条纹绗缝和流畅的线条精制而成,旨在提供温暖而不牺牲风格。它由 85% 羊毛和 15% 牦牛绒的优质混纺面料制成,衬里采用 100% 聚酯纤维,填充物由 50% 聚酯纤维、35% 牦牛绒和 15% 牦牛毛制成。 产品详情: 款式: AM-VS-GQ_SD(深灰色) 材料: 外壳:85% 羊毛,15% 牦牛毛 衬里:100% 聚酯纤维 填充物:50% 涤纶、35% 牦牛绒、15% 牦牛毛 可选尺寸: M (170/100A)、L (175/104A)、XXL (185/112A) 厚度:厚 弹性:无 主要特征: 经典绗缝设计:线条流畅的宽条纹绗缝设计减少了背心的整体重量。 双重保暖功能:内层填充牦牛绒和环保海毛混纺棉,蓬松、保暖、防风。表层采用牦牛毛混纺面料制成,提供柔软蜡质触感和柔和的拉绒手感,带来双重温暖。 高品质拉链:两侧的对角口袋均配备高品质拉链,增加功能性和细节。 利落的立领:小立领的设计,清爽、温暖、时尚。 百搭廓形:略宽松的廓形设计,搭配风格多样,适合各种场合,男女均可穿着。 材料详情: 优质牦牛绒面料:独家定制的牦牛绒面料,触感柔软舒适。 双层隔热:内置双层牦牛绒和海洋羊毛填充物提供额外的温暖和舒适。 经典耐用:经典设计确保持久的风格和耐用性。 尺码表: M:衣长 67 厘米,胸围 108 厘米,肩宽 42 厘米,下摆宽 104 厘米 L:衣长 69 厘米,胸围 112 厘米,肩宽 43 厘米,下摆宽 108 厘米 XXL:衣长 73 厘米,胸围 120 厘米,肩宽 45 厘米,下摆宽 116...

¥1,880.00 CNY

颜色: 暴风雨的一天


尺寸: M
