Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.
Add warmth and sophistication to your space with the Shoton Diamond-pattern Throw in Stormy Day/Alpine. Made from 100% yak wool, this luxurious blanket is perfect for cozying up on chilly days.

香顿立体菱形格休闲毯 - 深灰/米白

30%牦牛绒 70%皮马棉

隆重推出暴风雨天/高山色的 Shoton 钻石图案毛毯!这款毛毯采用奢华的牦牛棉混纺而成,柔软耐用。迷人的钻石图案设计让您舒适地依偎。非常适合为任何生活空间增添一丝优雅。这款必备配件让您舒适温暖。

¥2,923.00 CNY

Shoton 钻石图案毛毯采用优质牦牛棉混纺而成,确保肌肤触感奢华柔软。让您尽享极致舒适,享受无与伦比的舒适体验。



• 多功能且实用:Shoton 钻石图案毯子不仅是一款时尚配饰,而且非常实用。它在寒冷的夜晚提供温暖和舒适,非常适合依偎在沙发上或为您的床上用品增添一层额外的舒适感。此外,它还可以用作装饰元素,为您的生活空间增添质感和视觉趣味。


185cm x 126cm